Image 1 BEER ME
Image 2 RENT
Image 2 EGGS
Image 2 BUY ME A BEER!!!
What is this tool?
You enter the stock option trade data in the data entry fields. It then uses the criteria feilds to determine if the trade is good or bad. All metrics must pass to be a good trade.
What is the Criteria Form
These are the default proven calculations used for analysis. However, I have allowed you to adjust them.
Avg Days To Change By $1
You enter how many trading days it takes on average for the price to move $1.00.
Avg Days To Change By $1 Cushion
This builds in a safety net by adding additional trading days to the average $1 movement you calculate.
Minimum # of $1 moves needed
If your strike price is $2 away from the current price, you would put 2. If it's $5 you would enter 5.
Est Req $ Movement Date
Based on your avg movement data, cushion, & # of $ moves needed; this provides the date that your strike price would occur.
Req $ < Exp Date
This checks to see if the estimated strike price goal date occurs before the expiration date.